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what to expect



What to Expect

Energy Healing is an intuitive process which varies greatly from session to session. We are all unique, and how we experience the healing also varies from person to person. The Healing given in a particular session will depend on what is currently challenging you, or where blockages in your life might be calling for your attention.

Mostly, the Healing is conducted with hands off the body.


Before the Healing Session

It may be useful to take a few minutes and gain clarity and awareness of where in your life blockages are currently presenting themselves, such as physical, career, or relationships. This would inform where energy could be guided.

It is important that you do not partake in recreational drugs or alcohol at least 24 hours prior to healing.

Please let me know if you have any special requirements, disabilities or needs so that I can plan appropriately.

During the Healing Session

You may experience tingling, hot or cold sensations or jerks, however there is no need for concern. On the other hand, you may not experience many sensations at all. Every person experiences the Energy Healing session in their own way, and different people have different sensitivities to energy. What is important is to trust, and allow the process to unfold. Start to take notice of the shifts and changes in your life on all levels, whether subtle or dramatic.

Please feel assured that every session, and all that is shared is kept highly confidential and will not be shared outside of the healing room.

After the Healing Session

It could be useful to take time to notice how you feel, to integrate, and take a few moments quietly sit.

Regularity of Healings

The regularity of healings depends on the individual, and the intensity of the issues that they are facing. It is recommended that sessions are no closer than a week apart, but a monthly healing usually advised. In times of flow it is still highly beneficial to seek healing and maintain your energy system. Just as one regularly services a car, it is always beneficial to service your energy system and keep it in balance.


From the unnamed vastness beneath the 
mind, I breathe my way to wholeness and healing.

Inhalation. Exhalation.

Each Breath a "yes",
and a letting go, a journey, and a coming home.

-excerpt from Breath of Life by Danna Faulds 


Start Your Energy Healing Journey

If you feel drawn to working with me then I would love to hear from you.